Two webinars delivered by Intersex Aotearoa and Te Ngākau Kahukura with support from the Council of Medical Colleges and the New Zealand Medical Students Association

As trans and intersex-led organisations, we are invested in working with the wider health system to help people, practices and systems work better for trans and intersex people.

These webinars will help you work respectfully with trans and intersex people in healthcare settings. We’ll discuss the importance of patient-centred care, with a focus on respect, privacy, and self-determination. We will explore what it means to implement a human rights approach to intersex and trans healthcare, and how this relates to accessing community support.

These webinars are aimed at anyone working in healthcare across New Zealand. Many people assume trans and intersex health is a specialist topic - we are instead approaching it from a wider perspective based in community advocacy and public health, aiming to support collaboration between medical providers and trans and intersex organisations. 

We will not be providing clinical advice but will be exploring the connections between medical services and community support services with the goal to support health professionals to feel confident working respectfully and affirmatively with trans and intersex people and whānau.


Watch: Intersex Health

Learn more about intersex health


Watch: Trans Health

Learn more about trans health